Starting January 1st, Washington is increasing the penalties for negligent drivers who cause the death or serious injury of a pedestrian, cyclist, or other vulnerable person. That includes bigger fines and up to a year in jail.
Why is this new law so important?
In the past decade traffic fatalities of vulnerable road users have increased dramatically. Since 2014 annual deaths of vulnerable people on our roads more than doubled. These aren’t just numbers; they’re people in our communities – neighbors, friends, and family.
What is a vulnerable road user?
Vulnerable road users are people on our roads and sidewalks that don’t have the protection of a vehicle’s cage to keep them safe. This includes people walking, biking, riding scooters and skateboards, using mobility aids, riding motorcycles, traveling by horseback, and even driving a tractor without a protective shell.
Most of Us Agree
Washington has a strong traffic safety culture. Most of us agree that we all share a responsibility for the safety of ourselves and others on our roads. And most of us support the enforcement of high-risk driving behaviors. This new law is one way to take action to protect vulnerable road users.
Who is a negligent driver?
Negligent driving is a serious traffic violation that puts other road users at risk; especially the most vulnerable of us. A person drives negligently when they fail to exercise ordinary care. To determine negligence, the law compares the action of a driver to a reasonably careful person. Did the driver do something a reasonably careful person wouldn’t do, or did the driver fail to do something a reasonably careful person would do? And did that driver endanger or likely endanger any person or property?
We all make mistakes; it’s part of being human. But when a driver fails to be reasonably careful and puts others at risk it goes beyond a mistake and becomes negligent driving.
What are the consequences?
Negligent Driving with a Vulnerable User Victim – First Degree:
This law applies when a negligent driver causes the death of a vulnerable road user.
- Penalties include:
- 364 Days in Jail
- $5000 fine
- 90 day driver license suspension
Want to know all the details? You can read the full law here.
Negligent Driving with a Vulnerable User Victim – Second Degree:
This law applies when a negligent driver causes great or substantial bodily harm to a vulnerable road user.
- Penalties may include:
- $5000 fine
- 90 day driver license suspension
- Up to 100 hours of community service
- Traffic school
Want to know all the details? You can read the full law here.