2025 Projects
Traffic Records Projects for Fiscal Year 2025
CRAB ESRI Licenses
County Road Administration Board
This project will allow the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) to provide additional licenses for Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Roads and Highways to the counties. ESRI Roads and Highways is the geographic information system (GIS) core of the GIS Mobility (GIS-Mo) system. GIS-Mo is a GIS based road inventory system developed by CRAB for use by all thirty-nine Washington counties for reporting the various road inventory items to CRAB. The GIS-Mo system is in place to ensure county compliance with the Model Inventory of Roadway Elements Fundamental Data Elements (MIRE FDE) requirements.
Currently CRAB provides one license per county. However, a number of counties have requested more than one license to enable their various staff to submit new records or provide updates to existing records. This grant will fund the purchase of two licenses per county. If a county does not need the second license, that license will be made available to another county that requests more than the base two licenses provided.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the uniformity of roadway data.
Department of Health
The Department of Health (DOH) will explore the feasibility of calculating and incorporating standard injury severity indicators into the Rapid Health Information NetwOrk (RHINO) dataset. Additionally, DOH will investigate supplementing the RHINO data with hospital charge information by joining RHINO data with the WA hospital discharge dataset, the Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System (CHARS). CHARS contains charge information for observation and inpatient visits.
The RHINO program will continue to onboard and maintain emergency department data while continually working toward a goal of collecting 100 percent of non-federal emergency department visits. Additionally, we will work toward improving completeness of our data by establishing a data quality management process.
DOH will continue to work with the Office of Financial Management (OFM) to integrate RHINO data with other traffic injury surveillance datasets through the Traffic Records Integration Program (TRIP). This will include establishing a data sharing agreement, establishing a data governance framework and process, and provisioning of RHINO datasets for the project. This will improve integration of emergency department data with crash records and other dataset relevant to traffic injuries. This work will remove barriers to data sharing, enhance data quality assurance, increase timeliness of data analyses, and increase the number of traffic injury questions that can be answered than would be possible with the RHINO dataset alone.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the completeness and integration of injury surveillance data.
Department of Health
Continuing their work on motor vehicle crash (MVC) surveillance, the DOH Washington Emergency Medical Services Information System (WEMSIS) program plans to continue current efforts with customized data quality reports for local emergency medical service (EMS) Services, Medical Program Directors, and Regional EMS Councils. The program proposes to increase the depth and impact of reporting to stakeholders, while improving the quality and completeness of data used to support and guide injury surveillance throughout the state. This work will include a comprehensive overhaul of existing reporting processes and products, improving collaboration and input with the wider EMS/injury surveillance community and enhancing routine reporting and data integration with other systems.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the completeness of injury surveillance data.
DOL Data Catalog
Department of Licensing
The Department of Licensing (DOL) Data Stewardship Team desires to purchase a data catalog to improve the accuracy of vehicle and driver data. Improvement of data quality will result in enhanced traffic safety research and operations for all those who rely upon DOL data. Driver and vehicle data are critical elements in the larger ecosystem of traffic safety data in Washington.
Being able to effectively combine data elements with crash datasets from other agencies (such as WSDOT and WTSC) is essential for being able to fully analyze and assess traffic safety issues. As of October 2021, DOL has a fully staffed team of Data Stewards tasked with the goal of bringing DOL data to a governed state. However, the team is constrained by not having funds to purchase a data catalog and therefore, currently rely upon numerous less-effective tools to organize and store data. With a data catalog, the team could continue classifying business data elements, their metadata, and practice more effective vocabulary management within a platform built specifically for this purpose. Further, a data catalog would allow DOL to better monitor, assess, and record data quality dimension metrics and work towards resolution of issues. As DOL’s data quality improves, so do the contributions to traffic safety through reporting and open data, benefiting organizations and individuals of Washington state and beyond.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the accuracy of driver and vehicle data.
DOT Traffic Count Collection
Department of Transportation
The Washington State Department of Transportation maintains a traffic monitoring program to meet internal needs and federal reporting requirements. This includes temporary traffic counts at approximately 1,000 mainline state highway and 800 ramp stations per year. Due to staffing shortages and other constraints, the Department has in recent years failed to perform enough data collection to remain compliant with federal guidelines. This project is to provide traffic counting services to address the current backlog in data collection.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the timeliness of roadway data.
DOT Crash Data
Department of Transportation
WSDOT has a backlog of crash data that needs to be addressed. The purpose of this project is to fund the activities of a project Crash Data Processing employee to assist in the 117-day crash report processing backlog, process 7,700 reports to obtain and unique intersection ID to be added to the crash record and eliminate the backlog for the Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS) backlog.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the timeliness of crash data.
OFM Traffic Records Integration Program
Washington State
Office of Financial
The Office of Financial Management manages the state’s Traffic Records Integration Program (TRIP) due to the knowledge, experience, and resources demonstrated in developing and managing complex integrated state data systems.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the integration of crash data.
WaTech JINDEX Resourcing
Washington Technology Solutions
The Justice Information Network Data Exchange (JINDEX) is a message brokering service created by the Washington Integrated Justice Information Board (WIJIB) that provides the means by which Justice related agencies in the state share key information and business processes. The WIJIB has established the JINDEX as the foundation for justice information sharing projects within the State enterprise. It will be designed to serve the diverse justice requirements of state and local government entities as well as appropriate federal and quasi-governmental entities operating in the State of Washington. Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech) provides Infrastructure & Connectivity support for the Electronic Traffic Information Processing (eTRIP) Programs and Business Processes. These hardware and software components together make up what is referred to as JINDEX Support Services.
The WaTech JINDEX Support Services are provided by a highly skilled team dedicated to providing world-class application support to Washington State Patrol (WSP) and the eTRIP Committee. The JINDEX Support Team is responsible for maintenance and operations of the system. This team ensures electronic traffic citations and collision tickets are exchanged with eTrip partner agencies and back to the local Law Enforcement Agency which created the ticket. The purpose of this project is to recruit, train, and maintain a secondary JINDEX/MS BizTalk Administrator.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the timeliness of citation and adjudication data.
WSP SECTOR 24×7 Support
Washington State Patrol
The project will put in place processes to provide 24×7 coverage for the Statewide Electronic Collision & Tickets Online Records (SECTOR) application in the event of a total interruption in service.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the timeliness of crash and citation/adjudication data.
Washington State Patrol
The goal of this project is to manage the changes that will stem from implementing a new traffic safety information system. An Organizational Change Management (OCM) Specialist will assist in OCM planning and activities, preparing and disseminating communications, and assisting in onboarding agencies that will use the new system.
WSP intends to contract with the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Technology Enterprise Group, Inc. (TEG), who maintains the core Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) application for assistance in implementing and configuring the application to support the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) Traffic Records Program (TRP) business needs.
The purpose of this project is to effectively plan and transition the stakeholder organizations and personnel to the desired future state, using TraCS. This will be done by:
- Assessing the project’s impact on the stakeholder organizations,
- Collaborating with the traffic records community stakeholders to manage the change introduced by this project,
- Assessing the readiness of the user organizations and individual users to accept changes to the new TraCS working environments,
- Identifying, describing, and planning for necessary actions to facilitate those changes,
- Reducing resistance to change using various communication tools,
- And reducing the overall impact on stakeholder operations.
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the uniformity of crash data.
WASPC TraCS Trainer
Washington Association
of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
Contract with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) to recruit and maintain a trainer to provide coordination, education, and trainings for the end users of the TraCS system (Traffic and Criminal Software).
This project will address the requirement to improve Traffic Records data quality attributes by improving the accessibility of crash and citation/adjudication data.
WTSC Traffic
Records Training
and Coordination
Washington Traffic
Safety Commission
The purpose of this project is to coordinate the technical assistance and training needs of WTSC, grantees, and partner agencies. This is accomplished by providing access to all relevant and applicable traffic records related training opportunities for the TRGC and its committees, namely the annual Traffic Records Forum presented by the Association of Transportation Safety Information Professionals. This also accomplished by maintaining a software license to Box as a collaboration tool for TRGC and its committees.
Washington Traffic Safety Commission
621 8th Avenue SE – Suite 409
Olympia, WA 98501
Phone: (360) 725-9860