Traffic Fatalities
Person-level data for all traffic fatalities from crashes involving a motor vehicle.
- demographics
- high-risk driver behavior
- location
Fatal Crashes
Crash-level data for all fatal crashes involving a motor vehicle.
- high-risk driver behavior
- location
- road type
- temporal
Fatal Crash Map
Crash-level data mapped by location for all fatal crashes involving a motor vehicle.
- road type
- temporal
Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes
Person-level data for all drivers involved in fatal crashes involving a motor vehicle.
- demographics
- high-risk driver behavior
- license status
- location
Traffic Fatality Rates
A two-page dashboard presenting person-level traffic fatality rates per 100,000 population and 100 million vehicle miles travel by year, county, sex, age, and race/ethnicity.
- year
- place
- demographics
Target Zero Performance
A four-page dashboard presenting traffic fatality counts by road users, crash type, high risk behavior and county-level priorities.
- crash type
- county priorities
- high-risk behavior
- location
- road users
Active Transportation User Fatalities
A two-page dashboard presenting person and crash-level data for all active transportation user traffic fatalities and fatal crashes involving an active transportation user.
- demographics
- high-risk behavior
- location
- road type
- temporal
American Indian/Alaska Native and Tribal Land
A two-page dashboard presenting person and crash-level data for all traffic fatalities involving American Indian/Alaska Natives and/or fatal crashes occurring on tribal lands.
- demographics
- high-risk driver behavior
- location
- temporal
Child Passenger Vehicle Occupants & Drivers of Child Occupants
A two-page dashboard presenting person and crash-level data for all traffic fatalities and fatal crashes involving a child passenger-vehicle occupant or driver of child occupant.
- demographics
- high-risk driver behavior
- location
- restraint use
- temporal
Distracted Drivers
A three-page dashboard presenting crash and person-level data for fatal crashes and traffic fatalities involving a distracted driver.
- demographics
- location
- high-risk behavior
- temporal
Holiday Fatalities
A three-page dashboard presenting person and crash-level data for all traffic fatalities occurring during a 48-hour, 7-day, or NHTSA determined holiday reporting period.
- demographics
- high-risk driver behavior
- location
- temporal
A three-page dashboard presenting person and crash-level data for all traffic fatalities involving impaired drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.
- demographics
- high-risk behavior
- location
- temporal
- impairment type
Motorcyclist Fatalities
A three-page dashboard presenting person and crash level data for all motorcyclist fatalities and fatal crashes involving a motorcycle.
- demographics
- high-risk driver behavior
- license status
- location
- temporal
Older Drivers (70+) Involved in Fatal Crashes
A three-page dashboard presenting crash and person-level data for fatal crashes and traffic fatalities involving an older driver ages 70+.
- demographics
- location
- temporal
- high-risk behavior
- license status
A three-page dashboard presenting crash and person-level data for fatal crashes and traffic fatalities involving a speeding driver.
- demographics
- location
- high-risk behavior
- temporal
Unrestrained Motor Vehicle Occupant Fatalities
A two-page dashboard presenting person and crash-level data for all unrestrained motor vehicle occupant fatalities.
- demographics
- high-risk behavior
- seating position
- location
- temporal
WTSC-Funded High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) Activities
A one-page dashboard presenting information recorded by law enforcement during WTSC-funded HVE (traffic enforcement) activities.
- law enforcement agency
- warnings
- infractions
- DUI arrests
- emphasis focus
Young Drivers (15-24) Involved in Fatal Crashes
A three-page dashboard presenting crash and person-level data for fatal crashes and traffic fatalities involving a young driver ages 15-24.
- demographics
- location
- temporal
- high-risk behavior
- license status
Statewide Survey
A six-page dashboard displaying responses to the statewide survey regarding:
- road user behavior
- road user risk perceptions
- traffic safety enforcement
- family and employer rules and expectations
- traffic safety culture and bystander intervention
- survey respondent demographics
Speed Observation Survey
A three-page dashboard with speed data by location for all sites where a speed observations survey was conducted by the WTSC in 2022. Map of survey locations, description of survey sites, seatbelt use, distraction, and survey results are available.
- demographics
- location
- speed status
- temporal
- vehicle type
WSDOT Crash Data Portal
Washington State Department of Transportation – High-level and basic summarized crash data of all injury types for both members of the public and WSDOT personnel, consultants, and partners.
WSP Collision Analysis Tool
Washington State Patrol – This web page allows citizens and law enforcement agencies to perform complex queries and produce reports on collision data within their jurisdiction based on collision data submitted by law enforcement officers.
NHTSA FARS Data Visualization Portal
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data visualization portal includes multiple dashboards with information on fatal motor vehicle traffic crashes and fatalities.
Equitable Transportation Community Explorer
U.S. Department of Transportation’s ETC Explorer uses 2020 Census Tracts and data to explore the cumulative burden communities experience, as a result of underinvestment in transportation, in Transportation Insecurity, Climate and Disaster Risk Burden, Environmental Burden, Health Vulnerability, and Social Vulnerability.
Our Nation’s Roadway Safety Crisis
U.S. DOT – ‘Our Nation’s Roadway Safety Crisis’ contains interactive maps to illustrate the significant impact of motor vehicle deaths in our communities.
External Data Tools
Additional non-WTSC data tools and resources.