In 2021, there were 143 active transportation user fatalities in Washington, an increase of 36% from 2020. In 2023, 148 pedestrians lost their lives on our roadways, up 41% from 2020. Furthermore, 18 pedalcyclist fatalities were reported in 2023, representing a 39% increase from 2020. This dramatic climb in active transportation user fatalities can be attributed to risky behaviors such as impairment, driver speed and failure to yield the right-of-way.
The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) is implementing the Safe System approach to make active transportation safer. This method acknowledges that road users are prone to human error and that traffic safety is a proactive, shared responsibility. WTSC Nonmotorized program campaigns target a wide range of audiences statewide to educate the public about the traffic safety laws, rights, and responsibilities we share while driving, walking, rolling and bicycling. Through this data-based approach, WTSC leads statewide traffic safety efforts to build partnership, save lives and prevent injuries for the health, safety, and wellbeing of our communities.
We share the road with a lot of different people. Many walking, many rolling, and all depending on us to be the best drivers we can possibly be.
Because when you’re the biggest and the fastest, you also have to be the safest.
Click here for more Together We Get There campaign resources.
Most people in Washington
respect the speed limit.
Drive Like a Pro
A safe drive is a winning drive. Bring your safety A game every time you’re behind the wheel to make Washington a safer place to walk and roll.