Traffic records provide information that drives traffic safety program and policy decisions. These records include everything from traffic tickets and crash reports to injury and court records. Traffic records are coordinated by the Traffic Records Committee, which WTSC helps coordinate. The Committee is a forum for all the state and local agencies that create and use traffic records. Its goals include:
- Using technology to improve the collection, dissemination, and analysis of traffic records data.
- Making it easier for state agencies to share data efficiently.
- Providing a statewide forum for coordinating multi-agency projects.
- Promoting the value of traffic records and encouraging training to help agencies use the data in decision making.
The Committee also conducts projects to make traffic records more accurate, timely and easier to use. This includes the eTRIP (Electronic Traffic Information Processing) — Officers write traffic tickets and create crash reports on laptops that send information electronically to state and local agencies.
The eTRIP (Electronic Traffic Information Processing) initiative is a collaborative effort among state and local agencies to maintain a seamless and integrated system through which traffic-related information can travel from its point of origin to its end use and analysis. eTRIP has developed and implemented the Statewide Electronic Collision & Ticket Online Records (SECTOR) system that enables Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA’s) to electronically create tickets and collision reports in the field and transmit this data to state repositories and authorized users, carrying out the following three (3) objectives:
- Support efforts to provide law enforcement officers methods to electronically capture ticket data, collision report data and other data in the field.
- Develop a statewide data exchange network to allow this data to be transmitted electronically to users.
- Prepare agency systems and repositories to receive electronic traffic data.
Electronic DUI Forms
An integrated system within SECTOR that allows users to complete the current DUI process and associated administrative tasks electronically. Data collection, form printing, information storing, administrative processing, routing, data retention, and the two-way transmission of information are all part of this process.
Federal Partner Agencies:
Peter Corier
Program Manager