Rachelle Nugent
Region 3 Target Zero Manager
Bio: Rachelle is the Target Zero Manager for Cowlitz, Lewis, and Wahkiakum Counties. Rachelle has worked for the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) since 2013. In her time at the CWCOG she has been involved in a wide variety of efforts including working on the Housing First Coalition, Project Homeless Connect events, Medical Rate Stabilization Committee, Southwest Washington Wellness Committee, Southwest Regional Transportation Planning Board, and CWCOG administration.
Rachelle grew up in the northwest part of Washington state and now lives in Cowlitz County. She graduated from Washington State University Vancouver with her Bachelor of Arts in social science, human resource management, and personnel psychology. She is currently working on her Master’s in health and wellness management from the University of Wisconsin.
Rachelle’s passion for traffic safety began in high school when she was involved in a leadership camp that brought traffic safety issues to her attention. Rachelle is excited to get out and build connections with fellow TZM’s and the community partners within her region to bring more awareness to traffic safety.
Traffic safety priorities for the region:
- Impaired Driving Prevention
- Distracted Driving Prevention
- Speed Reduction
- Driver Education